Kitchen Table Conversation Questions
Theme A: Living in the Northern Gold Coast community
1. What are the best things about living in Northern Gold Coast?
2. What makes for a strong community?
Theme B: Political representation
1. What do you think makes for a really good political representative?
2. Do you feel you have an adequate voice to date in the way you are represented? If not, why not?
3. What would make for a stronger relationship between people and elected representatives?
Theme C: Issues and concerns
1. Are there particular issues within the Northern Gold Coast electorate that you feel should be focused on in the run up to the state election? How to solve them?
2. Are there particular issues beyond the Northern Gold Coast electorate that you feel should be focused on in the run up to the state election? How to solve them?
Today's session
Our aim here is to respectively listen to each others' views.
There are no right or wrong ideas, and everyone's contribution is valuable.
We're not aiming to reach a concensus on anything, so by all means:
- Ask clarifying questions, but please
- Avoid arguing or interrupting
Three levels of government
Funds from:
Taxes on
- Incomes
- Spending
- Businesses
- Medicare
- Defence
- Immigration
- Foreign Policy
Funds from:
- More than half their money from the federal government
- Also collect taxes
- Roads
- Housing
- Prisons
- Public Transport
- Police
- Ambulance Services
Funds from:
- Collect taxes (rates) from all local property owners
- Receives money from the federal and state governments
- Town Planning
- Sewerage
- Local Roads
- Rubbish Collection
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